“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In 2001 and for a few years thereafter, this quote graced the waiting room of my acupuncture practice. It hung on a bulletin board, just above the tea station. I had discovered the quote in a newsletter, several years before. The first time I read it, it took my breath away with its power and prescience!
During those early post 9-11 days, that quote served as a beacon to me. Every time I read it, I was reassured that we could find our way back to love. Eventually, the white paper on which the quote was printed became brown and frayed with age, so I substituted another quote on the board, but I could not let go of the Teilhard quote. To this day, it remains in a keepsake box, awaiting new discovery.
The quote came to life for me again on Saturday, May 19, when I watched the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex). Like many, I was drawn to get up early and be “present” for the wedding to witness history being made, to observe new life being breathed into the old traditions and ceremonies – in effect, to witness a sea change in the archetype of royalty. There were many examples of this throughout the ceremony, but none more galvanizing that Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon. He lit the house on fire!
His lively sermon drew inspiration from the Song of Solomon, from Dr. Martin Luther King, and from the life of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the Jesuit priest, scientist and mystic. Quoting Dr. Martin Luther King, Bishop Curry said:
We must discover the power of love, the power, the redemptive power of love. And when we discover that we will be able to make of this old world a new world.
As my husband and I watched, there were tears and chills. Bishop Curry was speaking directly to us. Personally, I have been saddened for some time by what now masquerades as discourse on social media and television, in communities, and in politics. My reaction has been to withdraw my own voice and light, and instead, to focus my energy and intention on making a difference in my own world of family, local community, and shamanic clients and students.
Thank you Bishop Curry for reminding me of the power of fire, of love, and of service, and for inspiring me once again! Sharing your light in such a courageous way has inspired me to shine my own light more publically, and (FINALLY) to start the blog I have been gestating for many years!
Welcome to the inaugural blog for the Condor Journey!
The mission of Condor Journey is to support others in living mythic lives, fully engaged in love and service, so that we may create a new story for humanity. As we focus on building the new story, we are profoundly supported by ancient practices of shamanism and energy medicine. We are held by lineages of healers and medicine keepers that guide and support us on our journey back to love. And, we have one another.
In our monthly blog, we hope to create a community fire of love and inspiration, a place where everyone can relax and come home. Our intention is to encourage readers with good news, and epic stories. We hope to dream this new world with you!
[M]an must go on a quest
to discover the sacred fire
in the sanctuary of his own belly
to ignite the flame in his heart
to fuel the blaze in the hearth
to rekindle his ardor for the earth.
~ Sam Keen ~
Our Current Focus
We have lots going on!
In 2018 and 2019, we are focusing on our upcoming trainings, Our New Story: A Medicine Wheel for the Luminous Human, and A Return to the Stars: Supporting the Dying with Shamanic Rites and Ceremonies.
If you would like to be kept apprised of our events, or subscribe to our Blog, please go to our Contact page and join our mailing list. Feel free to leave a note, letting us know your specific interests.
Also, check out our Private Consultations page. If you feel called to work with us, and want to make sure that we are a good fit, you may wish to take advantage of our complimentary 15-minute Consultation call. You may schedule your consultation, via our Contact page.
Stay Tuned For
- We are so excited to announce a shamanic practitioner training here in the apus (mountains) of Western North Carolina! The Luminous Human medicine wheel training is a prerequisite for our professional energy medicine certification training to begin in the fall of 2019. More information coming soon!
- We are also thrilled to announce The Luminous Seed Project which is a needs-based scholarship for one-on-one shamanic and mentoring sessions, available to those who have a passion for service. The six-month program (six sessions), is designed to support the birthing of a specific goal, creative or humanitarian project, book, innovation, invention, etc. One prerequisite is that the scholarship is paid forward in some way. Be on the lookout for updates and details!
Thank you for reading our first blog! We would love to hear from you!
- How do you rekindle your fire, your passion for love and service?
- How do you stay inspired and in action?
- What are your dreams for the Pachamama (earth) and her children?
Head on over to the Condor Journey Facebook page, “like” our page, and leave a comment on the blog posting!
Let’s start a conversation!!
With deepest Munay,
Victoria Johnson
The Condor Journey: Igniting Your Heart’s Fire in Service ™